From February 9 through February 12, 2020 Research Strategies, Inc. randomly sampled 365 Alabama qualified voters having voted in the 2016 and 2018 Alabama elections. The sample used a Stratified Sample Matrix[1] that proportionately sampled 23 of Alabama’s largest population counties representing over 79.57% of Alabama’s population. Each county not included in the sample represents less than 1.30% of Alabama’s population[2]. This research methodology delivers an accurate demographic and geographic representation of the Alabama voters, with a 95% confidence level and 5.13 percentage point interval.
The research was solely funded by Research Strategies, Inc. for the purpose of voter’s clarity and accuracy in reporting.
[1] Research Strategies, Inc.’s proprietary sampling methodology that weights the sample by population within the designed market area.
[2] U.S. Census Bureau, 2019
Research Conclusions:
- The average age of Alabama voters is 56 years.
- 18 Days prior to the Alabama Senitorial Primary election 46.30% of Alabama voters are undecided.
- Doug Jones, Jeff Sessions and Tommy Tuberville are within 3.55 percentage points of each other if Alabama voters voted tommorrow.
- 50.00% of Doug Jones’ potential voters are democrat and 29.17% are independent.
- 19.83% of Jeff Session’s potential voters are republican and 8.33% are independent.
- 18.99% of Tommy Tuberville’s potential voters are republicans and 8.33% are independent.